Types of analyses of different kinds of data

Your research team has now conducted several types of analyses of different kinds of data and at multiple spatial scales. Your objective is to synthesize the findings of your team. You will take the posted results of the three specialties (part 2) and integrate those findings, as well as any information that you feel is relevant from Part 1 (hint: chronology and population are always important!).
Your tasks are:

  1. Produce a 1000 word synthesis on the history of Sitnalta, as you have come to understand it. You will include the results of the regional survey from Part 1 of the project, as well three “specialists’” findings from investigations of Site 1 during Part 2.
    o Tip: Don’t copy and paste the part 2 information wholesale
  2. Make sure you:
    o Describe patterns that are evident in multiple lines of evidence (i.e., Part 1 data, and the results of your groups’ analyses in Part 2).
    o Discuss patterns seen at, or across, multiple spatial scales, just as the data you’ll be using comes from different scales (i.e., the survey region, the site, and the structures).
    o Present a narrative of change over time, to the best of your ability, considering any of the following aspects of culture that you think are important: technology, population, settlement patterns, ideology, and environment.
    o Describe at least one outstanding question you have about the island’s archaeology and provide an archaeological method that you would use to answer that question. This can include methods already employed in this project, or methods discussed in other course content, or perhaps methods you know about from reading about archaeology from trusted online sources!

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