Internal and External Auditors

Two distinct types of auditors, the internal auditor and the external auditor, serve many organizations. Fraud at WorldCom was uncovered by an exceptional internal audit team. On the other hand, Enron’s fraud was enabled by the external auditors whose responsibility lies in detecting errors and fraud, illegal acts, and an organization’s ability to continue as a going concern.

Using the Library, locate one article involving WorldCom or Enron. Make sure that you select an article that is different from your peers. Discuss one of the following questions:

What role did internal auditors and external auditors play in uncovering the fraud? Share an example from your article.
Provide an example of when the internal and external auditors worked together. Share your thoughts on the relationship.
Select one item from your article related to the role of internal and external auditors that you found interesting. Explain.

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