Inferential Statistics Concepts and Assumptions & Concepts

What is the standard error of measurement?
What is the standard error of the mean?
Please discuss the term confidence interval.
What are four main assumptions for parametric statistics?
Please discuss and explain in your own words each of the four main assumptions.
Why it is important to discuss or test the assumptions before conducting parametric statistical analyses?
Part II. Standard Error of the Mean and Confidence Intervals

A district-wide test is used to measure math aptitude in freshmen in high school students, with a mean of 78 and a standard deviation of 12. Thirty-six selected freshmen took the test, and their mean score was 85. You are tasked to examine if these students are significantly different from the district test group.

Calculate the standard error of the mean (SEM)?
After calculating the SEM, create a 95% confidence interval?
After calculating the SEM, create a 99% confidence interval?
Do these students have a similar or better score than the rest of the district students?

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