Directions for the “State of the Nation” report

Sections of the report:
1.Title page with country name

  1. Introduction
    • location
    • climate and major biomes
    • population, average lifespan and % of individuals under reproductive age
    • governmental structure and current head of government
    • average level of education for males and females
    • national, state programs for environmental education (kind, type, reach/effectiveness, topics)
  2. Natural resources
    • kind (freshwater, fossil fuels, wood, mineral ores, etc)
    • quantity of each and how much is exported and imported
    • how each is mined, harvested, etc (large corporations? families? government?)
  3. Agriculture
    • primary diet type and primary food staple (rice, corn, wheat, legumes, etc)
    • % of the population in agriculture
    • main agriculture type (agribusiness, family farms, subsistence, etc)
    • % of food imported and/or exported and kind
  4. Health
    • nutritional status of population (malnourshed, undernourished, overnourished, etc) and % of each
    • disease burden – vector, communicable, toxic, cultural (eg. % malaria and other mosquito borne diseases, Ebola or other bacteria/viral disease risk, risk of arsenic or other toxic material poisoning, rate of obesity, smoking, etc)
    • availability of health care
    • health education programs (contraceptive, disease prevention, etc.)
  5. Environmental Quality
    • level of air pollution and sources
    • level of water pollution and sources
    • waste disposal practices and impacts on soil, water and air quality
    • marine/shore pollution
  6. Energy sources
    • main source of energy (coal, oil, nuclear, natural gas?)
    • % imported, % domestic supply
    • renewable energy initiatives, type and % of total energy supply
  7. Urbanization and Transportation
    • % population in rural and urban areas, urban sprawl rates in major cities
    • migration rates to cities
    • housing % in major cities (eg. % slums, suburban, urban)
    • eco-green/sustainability initiatives, if any
    • type and fuel sources for transportation
  8. Global climate change/Sustainability
    • impacts of climate change on the country
    • national response to climate change/efforts to deal with impacts of climate change
    • Kyoto Protocol signatory?
    • national/regional/local initiatives towards sustainability
  9. Summary/conclusions (important section, as many readers just read this section. It should be a brief and concise picture of your country)
    • what is the overall state of your country
    • what are the main challenges the country faces in each area?
    • how is the country facing those challenges?
    • what are the strengths the country has?
    • what help/resources does the country need?
    • what can the country offer the world?
    nstrate a culmination of topics learned throughout the semester?

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