Watch the video in the link above. The video discusses the issues surrounding homeless pregnant teenagers. Prior to watching the video, think about your biases related to a teenage pregnancy and perhaps jot them down to refer to after the video.
This film is a dialogue between homeless mothers and healthcare professionals. The movie films the responses of health care providers and mothers to particular questions and issues. This film is then shown to the other group for their responses which is then filmed
Answer the 4 questions below. Come up with 2 new questions related to something you thought of during the video. The other option is to answer someone’s question.
1.Do health care provider have biases/stereotypes of homeless pregnant women and how does that impact their care?
2.What barriers are present in the health care system and society in general for these women?
3.Is there anything you can take from this video that can be incorporated into all aspect of nursing (not just perinatal)?
4.What policies could be put in place to help homeless pregnant women in their day to day life?