Analyzing statistical data, evaluating findings, and drawing conclusions for practice.
Now that you have reviewed the presentation, read the class articles, added to the table of evidence template,
watched the walk through video, and done some of your own research into the topic, it’s time to discuss your
learning with the class.
First, read any existing posts in the discussion. Then post at least one substantial response post, utilizing at
least one outside source and at least one class resource (textbook, class articles, etc.). Posts should be at
least two fully developed paragraphs and should thoughtfully reflect on, critique, or expand upon the post that
you are responding to. Remember that “You did a good job!” posts will not receive any credit. The goal is to get
a dialogue going with your classmates. You may respond to any posts in the thread, but avoid responding
directly to the original topic if several students have already done so. If you see an engaging discussion that
has started, feel free to join in and add your input.
one resource will be the following:
Polit, D.F., & Beck, C.T. (2018). Essentials of nursing research: Appraising evidence for nursing practice (9th
ed.). Lippincott.