
Recognize that the best leadership on the job is usually partially a product of self-care and personal growth as well as professional knowledge and skills. With that idea in mind, address these 4 questions below. (Be specific and targeted but realistic.) Now these should be very personal changes–all about improving you. However, after you explain the change relate each of these 4 plans to a) a better personal life; and then, b) being a better group member and a better future employee and leader in your chosen profession but remember the changes are ones that are personal to you. It is about how improving you personally (unrelated to work) will help you be a leader at work. Organized this part of your post in the following format in blue. Begin by describing the change(s) you will make on each of the four levels. Be specific. Then write a short paragraph address a) then b) particulars noted above.
(Does not need to be long, it requires few sentences)
How will you plan to raise your physical level?
How will you plan to raise your emotional/security level?
How will you plan to raise your mental level?
How will you plan to raise your significance/spiritual level?

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