Choose one artwork, or a pair of art works that is/are part of one Frick’s Online Exhibitions (link above). “Visit”
the exhibition and write a response paper centered on your virtual museum experience AND your chosen
object(s) using formal and contextual methods of analysis.
Notes to consider:
1) Your paper will be a detailed analysis of one or two works on display at the museum, and your experience of
the online museum environment itself. The primary emphasis of the paper should be your own description and
analysis, informed by what you have learned about style and historical contexts. This is NOT a research paper.
2) You are encouraged to include references to other works at the museum, or images we have studied in
class in order to supplement your discussion, but the primary focus of your discussion should be the object(s)
observed at the museum and an analysis of the museum space itself.
3) The work(s) you choose can be of any medium e.g. painting, sculpture, calligraphy etc.
4) Format: your paper should be 2-3 pages long (EXCLUDING title page, image(s), optional bibliography) and
should be double-spaced, using 12pt font and 1″ (inch) margins. Your paper must include images of the main
work or works you

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