Team Sports ; Travel

Individuals participating in team sports need to be mindful about their total
calorie, macronutrient, and micronutrient intake. Provide a summary of the
factors you should consider as you determine the calorie and
macronutrient requirements for the various members of the University of
Central Florida (UCF) track and field team, from Orlando, Florida. Your
summary should include a brief explanation of why each factor should be
considered. Recall that track and field events can include running (sprint,
middle distance, long distance, relays), jumping (long, high, triple, pole),
throwing (discus, shot put, javelin, hammer), and combinations such as
decathlon or heptathlon. (16 pts)
Planning and preparation are required for team sport athletes who travel
to competitive events. The UCF women’s soccer team will be traveling
about 6.5 hours from Orlando, FL to Atlanta, GA for a weekend game this
September, and you are in charge of arranging the restaurant stops and
packing the team coolers. Provide a recommendation for one restaurant
stop along the travel route and include recommendations for a pre-game
meal that could be ordered from the menu. Warm up is at 5:00pm and the
game is at 6:00pm.
What is your restaurant recommendation? Why? You can be specific
(find a specific restaurant along the actual route) or general
(recommend a type of restaurant, i.e. deli, Mexican, etc.) as long as
you can justify your selection. (3 pts)
What is your pre-game meal recommendation? Why? Again, you can
be specific (choose a specific menu item from the restaurant you
chose above) or general (describe a typical meal available at the
type of restaurant you chose above). (3 pts)

What time do you recommend having this pre-game meal? Why? (3

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