Baker vs Carr Brief

Write a brief on the Supreme court case between Charles Baker and Joseph Carr using the common template for a case brief.

X v. Y (year)

Facts: 1-3 key facts. (These are facts where, if they were changed, the outcome of the case would change.) Use full sentences. Put things in your own words. Skip judicial history, what happened to the case through appeals, unless that is the issue in the case.

Issue: 1-3 issues even in the most complex of cases. Usually best to keep these down. Put in question form. An issue is a question the court has to answer in order to resolve the dispute.

Holding: Yes or now answer to above question above.

Reasoning: (Name of Justice who wrote the opinion. This person is listed first.) There will be at least 2-4 reasons for each issue. Reasons are why the judges decided this issue the way they did. Look for things like precedent, analogy, and practical arguments like we had to decide the issue this way or the following nasty things would happen, etc. This is the heart of the brief and needs to be developed. Again use full sentences and put things in your own words. Put in paragraph form, not short bullet points.

If there are more issues, do IHR again for each.

Concurring Opinion: justice agreed with the majority on the outcome, but disagreed on the reasoning. Name of writer and summary.

Dissenting Opinion: justice disagreed with the majority both on outcome and reasoning. Name of writer and summary.

Need this for each person who writes separate.

Your Opinion: The only spot where you put in your ideas. Deal with one or all issues or some other aspect or the case. Explain what you would have done different and why or explain why you agreed with one of the justices and why.

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