Desiring things

Have you ever desired something that you should not though you thought it would make you happy? If you
answer yes, give an example of something you have desired that you should not have. What standards are you
appealing to when you say you shouldn’t? If you answer no, do you think it’s okay to desire anything that
makes you happy, or do you avoid things you shouldn’t desire? If the latter, what standards do you appeal to
when refraining from such desires? Explain.
Consider the following hypothetical statement: “If something makes me happy, then it should make everyone
happy.” Do you think anything is wrong with the statement? Explain your answer.
Imagine that you have the authority to execute an innocent man and that doing so will prevent many more
deaths. Now imagine that you kill the innocent man, and most people are happy as a result. Is executing the
man unjust according to the utilitarian? Do you think it’s unjust? Explain your answer.
John Stuart Mill, though male, advocates for women’s rights. Do you think that someone who will never be able
to experience the suffering of another person is qualified to speak up for that person? Would it be better for a
woman instead of a man to speak about the struggles women face? Explain your answer.

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