Comparing two popular music stars

Compare and contrast two popular music stars. Focus on how their upbringing and lifestyle shaped their music
styles. This should be MORE than just a biography (in fact, unless their upbringing has something specific to
say about why they perform the way they do, avoid biographical information altogether). I expect you to discuss
musical styles and how they made the choices they did to attain those styles. Consider all factors that could
have an effect on someone, including musical influences and socio-economic backgrounds.
Examine a global issue of your choice (global warming, pollution, terrorism, disease, energy, etc.). Examine the
causes and what can be done about the topic. What is the United States’ response? How does it affect the
United States on a national level and us on a local level? These are just a couple of questions to think about as
you prepare to write this assignment. Remember, you might want to make an argument for one side of a topic.
Write about a topic of your choosing. The topic should be current, and something that is debatable. Should you
choose this option, you must let me know, in a message through Canvas, by November 22, what you intend to
write about AND what your preliminary thesis statement is.

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