Juvenile delinquency

Criminological research often focuses on juvenile delinquency and criminality. Trait, social process, and social
structure theories can all be used to explain why juveniles engage in crime.
Consider the first three steps of the Criminal Justice Decision Making Model, and think about the questions
associated with each as you prepare to write your paper:
Step One: Define the problem (and the questions that need to be answered). Provide a definition of each class
of theories listed above. Also provide an example of a theory from each of the three general classes.
Step Two: Gather evidence (law, policy, procedure, data) and evaluate for relevancy. Explore the prevalence of
juvenile crimes in your state. Approximately how many crimes are committed by juveniles? Which crime is the
most prolific?
Step Three: Weigh moral considerations and direct/indirect consequences. Were you surprised at the rate of
juvenile delinquency/criminality? Should more attention be paid to it?
Following Steps Four and Five of the Criminal Justice Decision Making Model, write a two-page essay in which
you discuss in detail theoretical explanations of juvenile delinquency. Using the crime that was most prevalent
in your state, explain why it may occur using a theory from each of the three classes of theory. Conclude by
discussing which theory you believe is the best explanation of juvenile criminality. While writing, be sure to cite
sources according to APA print sources and references, and APA common electronic sources.
Step Four: Write your proposal, using the above material.
Step Five: Balance your position by addressing alternatives and potential pitfalls

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