Images of the Self

This a comparative paper between two films. The first one is “Perfect Blue”(1997) directed by Satoshi Kon and written by Sadayuki Murai. The second one is “The Handmaiden” (2016) is a film directed by Park Chan-Wook. Trying to write the comparison about “How do the main characters discover themselves in both films?” Their similarities and differences. Also, how they change from the beginning to the end. There are different violence and conflicts in the two films, so what does it mean as the conflict escalates, do this violence and conflicts exist by themselves? “Discuss what it means to have an imagination of the Other. Mima’s image of the Self is affected by the media and her fans, as well as the illusion of the past Self. ME-Mania and Rumi are both characters whose imagination of the Self is impacted by identifying themselves with someone who they are not. What does it say about our understanding of who we are? Who are you when you are someone else’s image?” Also, trying to make a comparison of What role does Japanese culture play in both films? Do not write from the author’s point of view, Try to write these comparisons from the perspective of those protagonists of the two movies.

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