Backup and disaster recovery plan

Develop a backup and disaster recovery plan for each
The following are the two scenarios. You are required to do both of them.

  1. A medium size criminal defense law firm in San Francisco. There are five partners, 50 attorneys and 15 support staff including an administration
    manager and an IT administrator. The company specializes in cases of murder, racketeering, grand theft etc. It also works with private investigators
    and has a large database of very sensitive information on clients, suspects, law enforcement and judicial officers.
  2. A stock broker and financial consultant. There are 100 employees in three different locations, New York, Dallas and Seattle. Half of the staff is
    located on Wall Street in New York; the others are evenly divided between the two other locations. Remember the nature of business. When the
    markets are open, there is constant flow of transactions and trades happening. Also remember that they are keeping records of clients worth billions
    of dollars in total and any serious breach of security or data loss can put them out of business.”

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