Critical/sensitive Period

  1. What is the definition of Critical/sensitive Period used in class:

1a. What is the relationship between critical/sensitive periods and the discontinuous and continuous models of development as discussed in video-lecture and text?

1b. What is the relationship between critical/sensitive periods and the concept of stages of development as discussed in video-lecture and text?

  1. What state(s) must the organism be in for successful initiation of a critical period to occur?
  2. What state(s) must the organism be in for successful completion of the critical period to occur?
  3. What behavior(s)/competency (ies) must be inherent property (ies) of the organism for successful initiation, transition, and completion of a critical period to occur? AND WHY?
  4. What is the problem state possessed by the organism prior to the initiation of the critical period?
  5. What must be present in the environment for the organism to successfully complete the critical period to occur?
  6. What biological strategy is applied to solve the problem encountered at the beginning of the sensitive period?
  7. What does the definition of sensitive period suggest “emerges” during an “optimal” time? From where?
  8. What mental process(es) does the inclusion of “optimal” in the definition of sensitive period require the organism perform prior to that “emergence”?
  9. What mental process(es) does your definition of sensitive period suggest occurs in the organism to make that organism “especially responsive to environmental influences”?
  10. What mental process(es) does the inclusion of “especially” in the definition of sensitive period require the organism perform prior to becoming “responsive to environmental influences”?

11a. What concepts discussed in video-lecture and text are suggested to be responsible for changing the responsivity of the organism to environmental influences?

  1. How is the MIND as defined and discussed in video-lecture related to the behaviors occurring at the initiation, execution, and completion of the critical/sensitive period?
  2. 2 examples of critical periods are:
  3. Please number and list the steps taken by the organism to successfully initiate-perform- and complete the critical period.
  4. Prior to the execution of any behavior the organism must ________

with its environment and make a __________________ about its present circumstances so the energy expended is conserved and efficiency is increased.

  1. What is produced in the organism upon successful completion of the critical period?
  2. What properties must be inherent to the organism for it to successfully complete the sensitive/critical period?

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