Cultures of U.S. Empire

Definition of U.S Imperialism: Policies or actions aimed at extending the political, economic, and cultural influence of the United States over areas beyond its boundaries

Throughout the course, we have looked at a variety of ways in which the U.S. has accumulated and exerted its power on the international stage. In your essay, choose at least three cultural documents (speeches, photographs, dances, songs, or advertisements, among many others) to analyze as examples of U.S. imperial culture. Use your examples to make an argument for how the U.S. has exerted imperial power across time–meaning you will need to demonstrate change over time with your analysis of the objects or materials. In each example, consider how these cultural forms worked as an exercise of power: who benefitted, who was silenced, and who contested it, if anyone? Explain this power and your examples in terms of race, class, gender, nationality, sexuality, and ability, as relevant to your examples.

  1. Theodore Roosevelt’s speech on the “Strenuous Life” (This can be used to analyze U.S imperialism in Puerto Rico and Cuba)
  2. Video Poem “Anointed” about U.S Nuclear testing and U.S imperialism in the Marshell Islands (Link:
  3. Letter from Hawaii Queen Liliuokalani to William McKinley (U.S. President), June 17, 1897 (Can be used to detail U.S Imperialism in Hawaii and the effects on their people)

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