Operation of the aircraft systems

ï‚· To understand the principle, the function and layout of an Avionics system in aircraft applications
(Commercial, Business or Military aircraft).
ï‚· To discuss advantages and disadvantages by examining the components, system layout and
operation of avionic systems to develop the skills, competencies and knowledge necessary to
investigate and analyse interrelated aircraft and complex avionics systems.
Module learning outcomes assessed by this coursework:
On successful completion of this assignment, students will be expected, at threshold level, to be able to:

  1. Summarise the system architecture and operation of typical Auto-Flight (ATA 22), Communications
    (ATA 23), and Navigation (ATA 34) systems. (LO 2)
  2. Demonstrate an understanding of the operation of the aircraft systems described in this module,
    sufficiently to be able to use effective fault identification/analysis, diagnosis and rectification techniques.
    (LO 6)
  3. Investigate a variety of information sources, apply a logical approach to fault diagnosis, and
    communicate technical information in the form of written technical reports. (LO 7)
    Military Technological College – Oman Page | 2
    You are required to:
    a. Identify and investigateProvide, following investigation and analysis, a suitable aircraft functional
    Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS) Block Schematic diagram for a Commercial or Military aircraft
    (one of which you have used as a training platform during practical sessions at MTC). This may be in the
    form of a hand drawn labelled diagram or an extract from an Aircraft Maintenance Manual (AMM) or
    b. Interpret and articulate through critical analysis,Describe the operation of the aircraft GPWS which
    you have identified and drawn with and the function of it’s components within the system.
    c. Through research, assess and recognise Examine and summarise the use of GPWS and Enhanced
    Ground Proximity Warning System (EGPWS) aligned with in the aircraft operation highlighting the Safety
    factors, advantages and disadvantages.
    d. As a case study examine and summarise the findings of an Air Accident Investigation with focus on
    investigate an example of confusion arising from mismanagement of GPWS information which had serious
    or potentially serious consequences for an aeroplane operation highlighting the; Human, safety and
    engineering practice factors contributing to the accident in the aviation history.
    A Terrain Avoidance and Warning System (TAWS) is a safety net that automatically provides a distinctive
    warning to pilots when the aeroplane is in potentially hazardous proximity to terrain. The first
    implementation of TAWS was Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS) and was introduced in the 1970s
    as a means to combat the high incidence of ControledControlled Flight in to terrain (CFIT) accidents and
    AircratAircraft in workshop 17, Relevant Aircraft Maintenance Manual (AMM), Wiring Diagram Manual
    You are required to investigate, analyse describe and discuss the areas identified. You are referred to the
    Equipment/Resources, in addition to the Reading/References section of this assignment brief.
    You will write a technical report (1,500 words) on this subject taking into consideration the following key
    ï‚· Format a Cover page and Table Of Contents
    ï‚· Describe the purpose of your report in an Introduction.
    ï‚· Provide a Block Schematic of an Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS)
    ï‚· Describe the operation of the Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS) and the function of the
    ï‚· Discuss GPWS and Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System (EGPWS) highlighting the Safety
    factors, advantages and disadvantages.
    ï‚· Investigate an example of confusion arising from mismanagement of GPWS information which had
    serious or potentially serious consequences for an aeroplane operation in the aviation history.
    Military Technological College – Oman Page | 3
    ï‚· Summarise your findings in your report with a conclusion
    ï‚· Include a Bibliography to list your supporting references
    ï‚· Correctly use an Appendix for supporting data and information (If required)

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