Choose a work of FICTION. It may be a work of literature (short story, novel, play, poem) or a film (movie,
episode from a series) that highlights an example of social difference. For example, men and women, parents
and children, employers, and employees, teachers and students, etc. Different groups tend to have different
viewpoints and this may lead to conflict. The goal for reasonable people is to learn to respect differences and
get along with others, but unfortunately, this doesn’t always happen. You will explore the relationships in the
work that you choose. Include the following in your paper:
a. A synopsis of the work (short summary)
b. An explanation of how the problematic issue is presented in the work. For example, who are the people
involved? what conflicts arise? Why? The issue you choose must be one of the topics we have studied in this
course: for example, culture, social class, race, gender, deviance, etc.
c. Your analysis of how characters are able to communicate and understand one another’s differences. Who
communicates effectively? Who communicates ineffectively? What actions do the different characters take?
What are the reasons for their actions? What are the consequences of the choices made and actions
undertaken by different characters? How can we apply some of the “lessons” learned to the real world?

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