Psychology course Case Analysis

Case study 1:Watch this video (start from beginning) and complete the following case analysis:…

What is the child’s name?
What is her approximate age?
What is the presenting problem?
Describe the onset of the symptoms and their trajectory.
How does Matilda report of her symptoms?
Describe your behavioral observations of the therapy session
Describe what you believe is the mother’s emotional state. What cues are you using to make your judgments about this?
Describe what you believe is the child’s emotional state. What cues are you using to make your judgments about this?
Analyze which of Matilda’s problems are developmentally appropriate given the context and which of Matilda’s problems reveal that she is evidencing psychopathology.
What issues should the treatment target?
Case study 2:

Watch this video (start from beginning) and complete the following assessment:…

What is the child’s name?
What is her approximate age?
What is the presenting problem?
Describe the onset of the symptoms and their trajectory.
How does the child report her symptoms?
Describe your behavioral observations of the therapy session
Describe what you believe is the mother’s emotional state. What cues are you using to make your judgments about this?
Describe what you believe is the child’s emotional state. What cues are you using to make your judgments about this?
Analyze which of the child’s problems are developmentally appropriate given the context and which of her problems reveal that she is evidencing psychopathology.
What issues should the treatment target?
Case study 3:…

What does client report during the session regarding his experience at school?
How does the client report his social relationships and encounters (with family, friends, peers)?
What risky behaviors has the client engaged in?
Describe your behavioral observations of the client during the therapy session
Analyze which or if the client’s problems are developmentally appropriate given the context and which problems reveal that he is evidencing psychopathology.
What is your risk assessment? Is this client an imminent danger to others?
Case study 4:

Dr. Garcia has been working with a 7 year old in his clinical practice. This 7 year old male has not been very talkative when it comes to sharing about his experiences, so Dr. Garcia decides to try a different approach. He asks Charlie to tell him a story; Dr. Garcia records Charlie’s narrative and later types it up. Dr. Garcia wants to use this story as a way to get a window into Charlie’s psychological world.

Using only this information, read Charlie’s story below (which can serve as a form of projective assessment, use the information contained in it to construct a brief case conceptualization. Write one paragraph describing what you glean about Charlie from your assessment. What kinds of themes/issues do you think are on Charlie’s mind?

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