Definitions of Latin America

Write a short evaluation (150–250 words) of the two definitions of Latin America found in the two websites you researched in Module 1, Topic 1, Activity 1: “Looking for Definitions”. Copy and paste the definitions. After critiquing the definitions, evaluate the authenticity of the two websites. (15 marks)
(((Activity 1: Looking for Definitions
Read “History and Power” (pp. 13–20) in Green and Branford’s Faces of Latin America for a brief overview of the historical factors behind the diversity and complexity of the term “Latin America.”
Then, search online for definitions of Latin America. For one example, you might start with the Wikipedia entry on Latin America at Choose two definitions and analyze the factors sustaining those definitions. Are these definitions based on geography, history, and/or culture? What is included and what is left out of each definition? Be sure to consider the sources of your information in your evaluation.)))

Next, select one of the assigned readings from Module 1 and write a short critical reflection (about 150–250 words). You may find it helpful to use one or more of the focus questions included in the activity as a guide. The critical reflection should present your own thoughts and responses to the reading. Begin with a brief summary of the reading. Explain which key points and ideas you agree with and tell why. Explain which key points and ideas you disagree with and tell why. If you think the reading is dated, feel free to update it from your general knowledge or other research. Compare how the ideas discussed in the

reading have relevance to Canada or other countries or regions. The critical reflection should be a polished piece of writing, and it will be assessed using the same criteria as any piece of writing (see below). It should include an introduction, a body that presents your thoughts clearly and logically, and a conclusion. (15 marks)

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