Library Analysis

intellectual Steps

  1. Explore a topic of research using the Kent State library resources and the speakers of class
  2. After a basic introduction create a series of Guiding and Specific research questions
  3. Postulate on the type of methods that could be used to answer such questions
    • SECTION HEADING (All caps, 12 pt. Times New Roman, bold, spacing after 6pt; Spacing before 0pt)
    • Text body (Sentence case, 12 pt. Times New Roman, regular; Paragraph line spacing: multiple 1.15, spacing after 0; Spacing before 6,” )
    Use the Harvard citation style throughout. A “Literature Cited” section should follow the body of the manuscript and should include only those sources
    directly cited in the manuscript.
    Other consideration
    Judicious highlighting using bold and italics is acceptable. Underlining is not acceptable. The font color should be black. Bullet and numbered lists are
    encouraged. Authors are encouraged to include HTML hypertext links using URLs.

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