Supply Chain Disruption Analysis

Research shows that in the year 2015 alone, 40% of supply chain managers have experienced some sort of supply chain disruption due to operational, industrial,

technological, and inventory management issues. Using your own experience in the workplace and/or information presented in the assigned readings, select a company that

experienced a supply chain disruption that negatively affected the company’s operations in recent years.

The course textbook is Murphy, P. R., & Knemeyer, A. M. (2018). Contemporary Logistics (12th ed.).

In your post, identify the company you chose, explain what they do, and describe the disruption they experienced in their supply chain and the negative effects it had

on the company’s overall business performance. Your post must be a minimum of 250 words.

Now imagine you are a logistics manager at your selected company and you have just received an email from the CEO asking you to come to his office first thing in the

morning and give a one-minute pitch on what went wrong and how you would solve the problem(s). Your one-minute pitch to the CEO must include the following:

State the problem/disruption that occurred.
Explain how the problem/disruption affected the company’s operations.
Describe the cause(s) of the problem.
Explain how the company can fix the problem by applying logistics principles to strengthen the organization’s competitive advantage in the global marketplace.
Describe how the problem/disruption can be prevented from reoccurring in the future.

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