Utopian VS Dystopian

Researching Issues (giving account of the reasons why you choose the novel, the questions that you intend to tackle and the significance of your research). Novelty
Literature Review ( relating the research status quo by categorization the achievements that scholars have done, leading to the argument that you put forward)
Organization and Argument(giving account of each part of your thesis and your clear-cut argument)
Chapter 1 Dystopian theory revisited
Utopian VS Dystopian
Dystopian and Kazuo Ishiguro
Chapter 2 Absence of rebellion in Never Let Me Go

Chapter 3 Death in Never Let Me Go

Chapter 4 Humanity in Never Let Me Go

…means the sub-issues related to the chapter (please make them explicitly related to the novel)
When you develop your thesis, please pay more attention to the logical relations between or among the parts. Please use topic sentences when you develop each paragraph.

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