Test and Evalutation

You are designing a developmental test to verify that the SRAW safe-arm device (SAD) arms the SRAW in compliance with both the Minimum Arming Distance Critical Technical Parameter (CTP) and the Minimum Engagement Range Key Performance Parameter (KPP) identified in the SRAW TEMP. While the impact of the Minimum Arming Distance CTP on SRAW arming should be self-evident, the Minimum Engagement Range KPP dictates that SRAW arming must occur before the SRAW missile reaches that distance. Furthermore, the test should confirm that the SAD performs at a reliability level consistent with the Reliability Key System Attribute (KSA), also identified in the TEMP. The SRAW TEMP provides additional background information and can be found in the “Tools and Resources” link on the left side of the TST102 course navigation overview screen.

Note that this developmental test is limited in scope, addressing only SRAW arming. Items beyond the scope of this test need not be considered.

The test is to be a system-level developmental test that will consist of a number of open-air SRAW missile launches to occur at the China Lake range complex.

The following assumptions and historical information should inform test design:
• SAD design is stable and based on the design of devices already used in similar weapon systems. Additionally, subcomponent and component lab testing and extensive modeling and simulation efforts have all been accomplished with very positive results.
• Instrumentation and telemetry kits that monitor and transmit activity from the SRAW safe-arm device are available for installation on SRAW test missiles. These kits are compatible with the data collection capabilities at China Lake.
• The Technical Evaluation (DT II) Systems identified in the TEMP are the test assets that should be used for this test. These systems can be configured to include either a live (explosive) warhead or an “inert” (non-explosive) warhead that replicates the weight and balance of the live warhead. The warhead type does not affect SRAW flight performance.
• To simplify planning, assume a binomial distribution and use the nomograph provided when addressing the Confidence Levels / Test Article / Target Requirements section
As part of the test design process, answer the questions in each area below using short (1-2 sentence) responses:
• Test Objective: In terms of confirming that the SAD arms the SRAW in compliance with the CTP and KPP requirements mentioned above, what are acceptable SRAW arming distances (or range of distances) in terms of distance from the shooter? Note here that the SRAW arming distance refers to the distance at which the SAD transitions from SAFE to ARM.
• Test Scenario / Set-up: In terms of test data, what specific physical parameter(s) should this test measure? How will this be done? Will targets be used and if so, why and where will they be positioned relative to the shooter? Will live or inert warheads be used and why?
• Success Criteria: In terms of the safe-arm device meeting requirements, what constitutes success for an individual trial? What results (if any) might disqualify an individual trial from being a test “counter” (i.e., does an individual trial count if the SRAW fails to launch)?
• Test Article / Target Configuration: What are the differences (if any) between the SRAW missiles that will be used for this test and those that will be deployed for combat? Additionally, if targets are to be used, how would you describe them in general terms (e.g., moving tanks with reactive armor or stationary shapes made of some other material)?

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