Healthy ecosystems

Choose one of the following:
Air Quality- Many human activities result in air pollution, including emissions from vehicles and power plants, negatively impacting human health and economic efficiency. Scientists are analyzing policies to monitor and improve air quality since such regulations first came to pass. How else can we ensure that there will be clean air to breathe for generations to come?
Include each of the Sub-Topics: Clean Air Act, Clean Power Plan
Ecosystems- Healthy ecosystems are essential for the survival and success of countless species on Earth. Scientists are studying the dynamics of these natural systems to assess the benefits of protecting existing ecosystems or restoring those that have been disrupted by human activities or invasive species. What else can be done to preserve these delicate, critical ecosystems?
Include each of the Sub-Topics: Biodiversity, Endangered Species Act, Invasive Species, Ecosystem Services and Management, Fisheries and Fishing
Energy and Electricity- The beginning of the twenty-first century has seen rapid changes in the domestic and international energy landscape. In order to accommodate current and future challenges, scientists are analyzing policy options that balance growing electricity demands with the need to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions. Will we be prepared to meet the energy demands of an ever-growing world population?
Include each of the Sub-Topics: Biomass and Plant Biofuels, Electricity Markets and Regulation, Energy Efficiency, Natural Gas, Offshore Drilling, Oil, Renewable and Clean Energy, Shale Gas
Forests- Forests are home to many invaluable ecosystem goods and services as well as a source of wood products for economies around the world. Scientists are evaluating the effectiveness of forest management policies by accounting for the economic, social, and environmental goals of region-specific programs alongside program costs. Are we doing enough to protect our valuable forests?
Include each of the Sub-Topics: Deforestation, Forest Carbon, Timber and Forest Product Markets, Tree Biotechnology

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