The ‘Chile’ data frame

The ‘Chile’ data frame from the ‘car’ package describes voter intentions prior to an election in Chile in 1988. This data frame has 2700 records and 8 variables.
The BasicSummary function returns the following summary data frame:

Read the ‘Chile’ data set into your R session and explore this data by answering the following:

  1. Assess the general characteristics of the dataset, e.g.:
    a. How many records do we have? How many variables? b. What are the variable names? Are they meaningful?
    c. What type is each variable—e.g., numeric, categorical, logical?
    d. How many unique values does each variable have?
    e. What value occurs most frequently, and how often does it occur?
    f. Are there missing observations? If so, how frequently does this occur?
  2. Examine descriptive statistics for each variable.
  3. Where possible—certainly for any variable of particular interest—examine
    exploratory visualizations- graphical representation.
  4. Look at the relations between key variables using exploratory visualization.
  5. Finally, summarize these results in the form of a data dictionary, to serve as a basis for subsequent analysis and explanation of the results.

Note: Turn in your answers to the above questions including the outputs as (.docx or .pdf). Also include your R codes for each part of the questions separately as an Appendix.

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