The questions below are designed to help you get started with a plan for your three in-depth interviews. In
the second Unit 3 discussion, you will begin developing and getting feedback on questions you might ask in
order to gain a solid understanding of the depth and breadth of services and activities of the three
organizations you have identified. Some of the questions may not fit for your particular topic, so revise as
necessary. Then add questions specific to your topic. Be prepared in your discussion to explain why you
want to ask the questions you have drafted based on the literature, your professional experience, and the
knowledge you are gaining regarding the organizations in your community.
• How did you and your organization develop an interest in this issue?
• What specific population or populations have you targeted? (Ask about age, ethnic or cultural groups,
gender, geographic area, and so forth.)
• Is your organization involved (or have you been involved in the past) at the local, regional, state, or
national level? In what ways? (Is there a specific initiative or project you are involved in at any of these
• Is the nature of your work in this area focused more on prevention, advocacy, early intervention, or several
of these? Based on their response, follow up with the following questions if relevant:
o Please tell me more about your prevention activities in relation to this topic or issue.
o Please tell me about your early intervention activities in relation to his topic or issue.
o In what ways have you been involved in advocacy in relation to this topic or issue?

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