“inventory” services

How does your organization distribute its product? If your organization is a service provider, explain how the
services are allocated and passed on to its customers. How can a firm “inventory” services?
SLP Assignment Expectations
Research the organization with information you can find on the internet or other resources you find on your
own. The paper should be 4 pages in length and have a cover sheet and a reference page. Clarity of
presentation is important, as well as your ability to apply the topics to the logistics area of your selected
firm. Use at least 3 different sources of information and annotate your sources of information appropriately
on your references page and within the text as necessary. You will be assessed on how well you
demonstrate your knowledge of the topic as it applies to your selected firm.
Trunick, P. (2002). Drawing rings around your largest market. Transportation & Distribution, 43(11), 36-41.
Retrieved on December 9, 2014, from ProQuest. (ProQuest doc ID 234260103)
Coia, A. (2002). A new flow. Frontline Solutions, 3(13), 30-32. Retrieved on December 9, 2014, from
EBSCO–Business Source Complete. (EBSCO Accession Number 8610565)

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