Research Analysis

  1. What type of article/study is this? (randomized-experimental, quasi-experimental, correlational, longitudinal, etc)
  2. How does this study extend the literature? (what is different about this study from what has been done in the past?)
  3. What is the research question/ hypothesis? (What is this study aiming to do?)
  4. What are the variables being studied?
    a. What are the independent variables (IVs)? Or what is the predictor variable (in case of correlation)? What is/are the operational definition(s)? How are they being measured? Is the experimenter manipulating this? Or is it being measured?
    b. What are the dependent variables (DVs)? i.e. what are the outcome/criterion measures being studied? What is/are the operational definition(s)? How are they being measured?
  5. What are the strengths of this study?
  6. What are the limitations/weaknesses of this study?
  7. How could these limitations be addressed?
  8. Anything else of note? (anything else you noticed or thought “huh”, did you catch any typos/grammatical issues, etc.)

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