Patient safety during healthcare provision

In this week’s assignment, you will work through the planning and implementation stages of the project. This
will require you to determine goals, resources needed, and to select an evidence-based practice (EBP) model
Start with the solution that you determined would be most effective in resolving the stated problem and define
the intended outcomes of implementing the change (i.e., what is your improvement goal?). In order for quality
to improve, a change must occur. That change must be quantifiable, in other words, it must be measurable.
Create an implementation plan in which you:
Explain how you will measure the change and how you will know when you have reached your improvement
Create a list of outcomes required to reach your outcomes goal. This will allow you to determine the actions
needed and the priority of tasks that will result in the desired outcome.
Determine who will be responsible for each outcome (typically each is assigned to a team member who is
motivated in seeing the successful implementation of the plan).

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