Marketing with Google Ads

For the final assignment, you will go through the planning process of building out an entirely new Google Ads
presence for a company of your choice. Choose any company you like, preferably one you’re familiar with
enough where you’d feel comfortable building an ad campaign for it.
Next, download the campaign template (see attached)
Use this template to build out your account structure, keywords, ads, and to write your concept for landing
pages. When done, you should have completed the following:
5 campaigns (or you can use the 3 I pre-loaded and create 2 of your own)
2 campaigns (each a separate tab in campaign template), 5 ad groups each. For each ad group:
10-15 keywords
2 ads
1 landing page (description only, no design)
You’ll also submit a summary write-up answering the following questions:
Explain your account structure. What is your goal with the mixture of campaigns you’ve created?
What is the primary conversion objective of the business? (ie. eCommerce sales, webinar sign-ups, app
installs, etc.)
How will you use Google Ads to drive conversions?

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