Certificate Generation

Certificate Authorities: Investigate and explain the role and value of the services provided by a certificate authority (CA). For example, Let’s Encrypt is an open source CA that can be used. Specifically, address the following in regard to the role and services provided by CAs:

Why would you want to use a CA for security?
What are the advantages of using a CA?
Ideally, you would have a third-party vendor CA generate certificates for you, which requires costs for the domain. In this case, the cost of having a third-party vendor CA generate certificates may not be affordable or necessary. In this assignment, you will generate self-signed certificates, which makes you the CA. Acting as the CA and generating certificates using free tools is common practice when you are developing.

Certificate Generation: Use the Java KeyTool to generate a self-signed certificate. There is no additional installation needed if you have Java installed on your computer or through Eclipse, but you need to locate your Java home location to find the keytool.exe. Please note: You will generate certificates in Project Two and use the Java KeyTool through Eclipse.

Begin by accessing the keystore by copying the command below. You must copy this text exactly and paste it into the Command Line. Be sure to revise the text where the word password appears with a unique and secure password. This will be your password for the entire exercise. You may refer to the Oracle Guidelines on the Key and Certificate Management Tool for additional guidance.

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