Brainstorming Forums

  1. You have now almost finished Level 9. What can you say about how to be a good language learner? Do you have any tips/advice for others who are trying to learn English? What are some good strategies for becoming a good language learner? Explain.
  2. Imagine yourself being asked for advice by a young person who is thinking of entering a profession or occupation that you have some experience of or interest in. (e.g. if you are a travel agent, consider the travel business, if you are a graphic designer, consider the occupation of designer, if you are a doctor, consider the medical profession. If you are still a student with little work experience, consider the area that you yourself would like to enter.) Describe for the young person the pros and the cons of going into a specific type of work and conclude with a recommendation.
  3. Your daily environment: Does your physical environment affect your interactions with others? Does it affect your creativity or ability to solve problems? Write a short essay. In the first paragraph, describe a physical environment where you were happy and productive. In the second paragraph, describe a physical environment where you were uncomfortable or perhaps unable to work productively. In the third paragraph, identify two or three features that support healthy environments.
  4. The impact that C19 has had on you and your family as well as on society at large: How has the coronavirus pandemic affected your life and the lives of your loved ones? What have been the negative aspects of this situation for you? Have there been any positive elements? For example, have social distancing and wearing a mask to prevent coronavirus spread affected your lifestyle in any way? If so, in what ways? If you have family in another country, how have they and your country of origin been affected? How does their situation compare with Canada’s? Looking ahead, what changes do you expect in the wider world, whether socially, medically, psychologically, or economically? What effect do you think this crisis is going to have on your future? What are your deepest concerns?


  1. Brainstorming Forums on all topics so 4 forums .
  2. This is my Writing essay topic about Your daily environment: Does your physical environment affect your interactions with others? Does it affect your creativity or ability to solve problems? Write a short essay. In the first paragraph, describe a physical environment where you were happy and productive. In the second paragraph, describe a physical environment where you were uncomfortable or perhaps unable to work productively. In the third paragraph, identify two or three features that support healthy environments.

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