To paraphrase Wurman, data doesn’t change, but arranging it in different patterns or with different rules can
affect what we know about that data. He adds, “more complex relationships may be shown when one type of
arrangement is combined or juxtaposed with another.” By bringing together multiple designs of information you
offer your audience new ways to arrive at different understandings. For this week’s forum I’m again going to
ask you to collect an interesting or surprising set of data. However, this week I’d like you to take that data and
arrange it twice using two of the methods outlined in the Wurman reading, for example you could arrange your
data using the structures of time and location or magnitude and category. You should post your information
structures to the forums with a brief explanation of the data collected and a description of what’s revealed
through each structure you’ve selected. You should post your information to this week’s forum by Thursday,
February 11. You should review other the structures others have shared and discuss what you’ve learned from
the information they’ve presented. Did the combination of different information structures transform your
understanding of the subject? You may also offer suggestions on other methods they could’ve used to structure
their content to increase awareness and understanding. Comments are due before the start of the next