Industry Development

Briefly state what industry you are developing scenarios on. It is important to detail the ‘scope’ – e.g the region, sector of the industry (for example healthcare is broken into many different sectors).

Development of the Scenario Grid:
Explain why the two dimensions have been selected – what is your evidence that these are the two key areas of future industry development? Opinion is not evidence – research must be behind the development of these dimensions.
Explain the extremes of each dimension

Describe the scenarios:
What are the names?
The description of the scenarios can take many forms. It could be in the form of a story from the customer’s perspective (how he or she might experience the products or services offered in the industry within each scenari0 – choose a different customer for each). It could be a description of what the companies might do (it does not have to be a real company. Something like “companies in this scenario are likely to….).
Justification of which scenario is the most ‘likely or plausible’
A brief but logical explanation of why a particular scenario might be the one that is most likely to develop.

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