Create an exposure route
Think about the emission sources that are in your community that you think could be affecting you and/or your
community. Examples of emission sources that are commonly encountered include vehicle exhaust, smoke
from woodstoves, an industry, an accidental spill, or something else that you are aware of or that has been in
the news such as mercury in fish or even COVID-19.
Then, select one (1) emission source and create an exposure pathway for one hazard that it is emitting. For
example, vehicle exhaust contains nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, particulate matter, and other pollutants.
Your exposure pathway only needs to include one (1) of these hazards. You can do this using text, a table, or
an illustration you draw by hand or using the computer.
Your exposure pathway must contain the following elements (label them):
Source – What is causing the hazard to be present in the environment? Be sure to include the name of the
Media – How is the hazard moving from its source? Is it in the air, water, soil, food? Try to describe all the
media that you think could be contaminated by the source.
Exposure point or Exposure Route – Where do people come into contact with the hazard? Do they only come
into contact with it when they are outside? Or does it also enter their homes? Is it only when they are playing in
a specific area? Or eating a specific food like fish? How does that hazard enter the body? It is from breathing
(e.g. inhalation)? Eating food or drinking water (e.g. ingestion)? Is it only when they touch the contamination
(e.g. dermal contact)?
Population – Who are the people that would be exposed to the hazard? Is it only children who are crawling on
the ground? Or people who live close to the source?