
Nudges refer to small changes in the choice architecture that can considerably affect consumer behavior. As
described thoroughly in Nudge. Improving decisions about health, wealth, and happiness, by Thaler &
Sunstein, nudging techniques rely on insights from behavioral science, and when used ethically, they can be
very helpful for improving consumers’ decision making.
Nudging is tightly connected to ethical principles. In particular, there are three guiding principles of nudging:
1) Nudges should be transparent and never misleading.
2) It should be as easy as possible to opt out of the nudge.
3) There should be reasons to think that the behavior being nudged will improve the well being of those being
Goal of the assignment
The goal of this assignment is to learn how to analyze, develop and propose nudges to influence consumer
behavior in a retail environment. Go to a shop or a supermarket and observe how the products are offered. Are
nudging techniques used? Which techniques are used? Which techniques would you use to enhance ethical
consumption? (Examples of ethical consumption includes organic products, fair trade goods, energy-efficient
light bulbs, low-plastic products, electricity from renewable energy, recycled paper, …).
Organization of the assignment
The assignment should be structured as follows:
1) Brief introduction about nudging and behavioral influence (max 250 words).
Provide a very short introduction about the principles of nudging and its impact on consumer behavior.
2) Analysis of the nudges currently in use at the store/supermarket (max 750 words)
Find at least two examples of nudges and for each example explain the type of nudge (e.g., effort, attention,
availability, …). Discuss why they can be classified as nudges and whether they follow the ethical principles of
nudging Thaler & Sunstein, 2008. Include one or more pictures for each nudge directly in the report.
3) Proposal for a nudge to enhance ethical consumption in the store/shop/supermarket (max 750 words).
Think of an example of nudge that can increase ethical consumption in that shop. For instance, it could be a
nudge that increases the sales of low-plastic products, recycled toilet paper, more sustainable veggie
alternative to meat, and so forth.

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