The measurement for Store Loyalty (SL)

Definitely you need to apply for extension as your conceptual model and hypothesis development are problematic. For example, you use moderators (economic situation, ability, general business situation). Do you know what is a moderator? The hypothesis could be: The economic situation (of whom, the company’s?) moderates the relationship of the opticians attitudes and their willingness to invest (on what). The size of the effect is bigger for those who their attitude is ….

Furthermore, each arrow represents a hypothesis.

Also, the wording is not satisfactory. Your hypothesis 1 is wrong.
H1 Moderate interest of Hungarian opticians in new technologies slows down the commitment process. In the model you have awareness.

Therefore, I assume you want to say as H1 The awareness level of Hungarian opticians in new technologies has a strong impact on their attitudes towards new technologies (or something like this).

Please check again your model (avoid if possible the moderators) and make it more clear. The constructs in the model should be presented in the hypotheses with the relevant relationship.

Also, how will you measure these constructs? What you need is something like this (see below the example)

An example,” the measurement for Store Loyalty (SL) was measured with the help of a three-item scale adapted from original items of the study by Sirohi et al. (1998)”.
SL1 I will most likely continue shopping in this store.
SL2 I will most likely use the store for more of my grocery need in the next twelve months.
SL3 I will most likely recommend this store to a friend

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