Mind in Matter

Please read the article “Mind in Matter” listed under Module 2. In particular, pay attention to pages 7-13, in which the author gives you a specific methodology of how to develop your analysis of any object. Stick with the object you had chosen for 1/29 or change it since it will stay with you for the rest of the semester.

Develop your 2-page Object Description into 5-page Descriptive Analysis Paper.

Generate a hypothesis (or thesis) about your object based on the aspects of your previous description that seem most important to you. What central question would you like to answer about this object?
Attempt to analyze the important visual and material aspects of your object that you highlighted in your description: Why do you think they are so important? What might they mean?
Try out some research avenues. What information can you gather (from library or archival sources – or other types of sources) that would help you to prove your hypothesis and answer your research questions? (You will not be able to conduct all of the research you would like before next week; this is just a beginning.)

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