Impacts of Communicable and Non-Communicable Diseases

You have learned about communicable disease and non-communicable diseases that can devastate a developing country. For this assignment, you will describe at least one prevalent communicable disease and at least one non-communicable disease that exist in your chosen country based on your research and what you have learned from Modules 6-7. Additionally, you will provide at least three recommendations for improving global health in your chosen country/region.

You are encouraged to collect pictures, videos, graphs, or tables to complement your research. Your paper should be 2-3 pages (double spaced) in length not including pictures, graphs, or tables. Please explain the significance of photos or videos if you decide to include any. Write out your responses in paragraphs, avoiding bulleted responses, and use APA 7 for all references. Refer back to your readings for clarification of research topics below. Since this paper spans your learning from multiple modules, please be sure to connect the two topics in the paper to create a cohesive flow. You may also find headings helpful in organizing your paper.

Describe the following factors based on your research on your chosen country:

In one half to one page, describe one communicable disease affecting your country/region. Include a brief description of the condition, disease burden, prevention treatment methods, and one successful program to treat the condition.
In one half to one page, describe one non-communicable disease affecting your country/region. Include a brief description of the condition, disease burden, prevention treatment methods, and one successful program to treat the condition.
In one page, state three recommendations for improving global health in your chosen country/region. Justify your choices using your readings at a minimum and any other credible external sources as appropriate.
Compose your work in a .doc or .docx file type using a word processor (such as Microsoft Word, etc.) and save it frequently to your computer. For those assignments that are not written essays and require uploading images or PowerPoint slides, please follow uploading guidelines provided by your instructor.

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