‘After five years since its adoption it is clear that the Paris Agreement is ineffective as a legal instrument to deal with the climate emergency.’ Discuss

(Please offer introduction with a thesis statement that you will answer in the conclusion, discuss arguments and conclude each paragraph with own opinion.
Demonstrate critical thinking throughout the essay and conclude each paragraph by offering own opinion, after presenting existing opinions and linking common ideas.
Use long paragraphs with headings and subheadings to show each issue you are discussing.Critically examines the inter-linkages between law and policy fields relating to climate change, including human rights, trade, finance, liability and redress, development and the environment. )

1.Briefly introduce the foundational international legal agreements that constitute the UN climate change regime: the Convention, the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement. Explain the history behind the agreements, the process of negotiations and the contentious issues which have plagued the process since the early 1990s.
Critically reflect on the language used in international climate change law and understand the implications minor changes in texts can have to outcomes for different constituencies.
Indicate focus is on dissecting the PARIS AGREEMENT 2015

2.Please focus discussions on how Paris Agreement has been most flawed and most effective. Is the framework too soft? How is it significant? What could it ideally develop into to effectively tackle climate change ? how does it provide an avenue to transition to a net zero global economy? how Does the failed and less significant common but differentiated responsibilities undermine the effectiveness of the Paris Agreement? What potential opportunities does the Paris agreement offer to effectively operationalise mitigation and climate adaptation response measures?

3.Discuss how The Framework approach to climate change taken in international law was a misguided one that is the cause of the failure to tackle the global threats in time. What are the opportunities for successful domestic climate change litigation in Paris Agreement. Explain the multiple challenges the Paris agreement faces in trying to respond to the unfolding climate crisis.

4.Why Was the Kyoto Protocol a flawed legal approach to tackling a global commons problem? And how does it affect the Paris agreement? Analyse how the Paris agreement relates to on-going developments in climate change law and policy in both the Global North and the Global South.

5.Discuss how the Paris agreement may/may not be the necessary transformation to realise a low-carbon world. Comment on rise of ecocide movement to prosecute polluters and link with Great Thurnbergs criticism of lack of action 5 years after the Paris agreement, Hypothetical targets and lack of immediate action.

6.discuss the agreements principles and measures of implementation, compliance and dispute settlement. explore the range of laws it interrelates to and norms that impact on global environmental problems.

7.How do revisions eg the revised REDD+ mechanism under the Paris Agreement balances competing interests in forestry.Discuss what other significant revisions exist in the Paris agreement

7.Explain in conclusion , why and how your arguments in each paragraph show the Paris agreement is effective or Not effective

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