What does EAS stand for?

        Name _____________________________ Date __________________________

View https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SEZE5H7vU8 4:38

  1. What does EAS stand for: ____________________ __
  2. Explain this term in your own words:
  3. What does EVS stand for: ___
  4. Explain this term in your own words:
  5. What does ED stand for: _______________
  6. Explain this term in your own words:
  7. What does the product EAS x EVS tell us? (17 words)

  1. What is the symbol for EAS x EVS? _ 0:47
    The volumetric sweep efficiency depends on:
  2. _______________________________
  3. __________________________________
  4. ___________________________________
  5. What are the numerator _________ and the denominator _______ of mobility?
  6. What are symbols for mobility, show as a fraction: ____________
  7. What is the mobility RATIO (in words)? ___________________________________

  1. When M>1, the displacing fluid moves _ than oil which leads to
  2. __ sweep efficiency.
  3. When M<1, the displacing fluid moves _ than oil which leads to
  4. __ sweep efficiency.
  5. T F We can alter the permeability of the reservoir easily.
  6. Which is greater, ½ or ¼? _
  7. By adding ________________________at2:31 to the displacing fluid, we increase viscosity of the displacing fluid.
  8. What is EA for 5 spot patter? _%
  9. What is EA for 7 spot patter? __% What causes the displacing fluid to finger through the reservoir and not sweep so much oil to the producing well?
  10. T F 4:35 Oil is displaced in a piston like manner.

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