Roles assigned in relation to gender and age

Select one ethnic or diversity group different from yours, and examine its collective history. Consider the sources of cohesion, identity and strength, as well as the sources of stress, discord and strife which may
influence problem generation and resolution.
Select a family or support system from an ethnicity that is different than yours. Ask permission to interview members of this chosen ethnic group. In the interview consider:
How is the family or group viewed in the light of its collective history?
What are the sources of cohesion, identity and strength, stress, discord and strife that are evident as the result of the group’s reality?
How are roles assigned in relation to gender and age? Is this assignment a reflection of the group’s cultural
reality? What are the consequences of the role assignment?
How does the group function in relation to other systems: (e.g., educational, religious, occupational and
How does it function as a transmitter of cultural values?
How does this group compare with the information contained in the literature about people of similar identity?
What are the implications for social work practice at both micro and macro levels? What aspects of the
culture’s structures and values may oppress, marginalize, alienate, create or enhance privilege and power? Be
specific in terms of principles of practice

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