Microbiology Lab; Yeast Fermentation

Table of Content
Established for use by Rockland Community College Microbiology Labs 1
Brooke A. Chester 1
Introduction 3
Student Objectives 3
Directions 3
Part 1 3
Part 2 3
Assessment 4
Part 1: Application & Analysis 5

  1. Homemade Agar 5
  2. Yeast Fermentation 5
  3. Homemade Microscope 5
  4. Handwashing Lab 5
  5. How to See Germs Spread Experiment-Importance of Social Distancing and Handwashing 5
    Rubric: Part 1 6
    Part 2: Knowledge and Reflection 7
  6. Podcast 7
    Listen to an episode from one of the following podcasts (Choose 1) 7
  7. Documentary 7
    Watch one of the following documentaries (Chose 1) 7
    Rubric: Part 2 8
    References/Resources 8

Introduction –
The purpose of this assignment is to apply concepts learned in an online lab class to hands on activities that can be done at home. By having a concrete experience, students will be able to reflect on the experience and analyze the ways in which the activity relates to concepts learned in lab class. The students will be given the option as to which activity to complete.
Student Objectives

  1. Apply microbiology lab concepts to an independent learning activity
  2. Reflect and review observations from experiments and independent learning activities through written reflection and documentation
  3. Present findings of active experimentation in written reflection/analysis and photographic documentation
  4. Integrate microbiology concepts into written reflection and analysis
  5. Participate in online collaboration with peers in an online discussion forum
    Part 1
  6. Choose 1 activity from the list provided for Part 1
  7. Complete activity while taking picture or video documentation to be used in written reflection
  8. Written reflection and analysis about learning activity. Refer to Rubric: Part 1 for expectations and grading scale
  9. Post to class discussion board
    Part 2
  10. Choose 1 activity from the list provided for Part 2
  11. Written reflection and analysis about learning activity. Refer to Rubric: Part 2 for expectations and grading scale
    DUE Date: See Lab Syllabus
  12. Students will use rubrics as a guide to write a written reflection/analysis of the learning activities that they completed
  13. Students will choose two learning activities over the course of the semester to complete and present outcomes given the guidelines in rubrics
  14. Students will share results with peers in a discussion forum facilitated by the instructor. Results will be in the form of a reflection and each student will be required to participate in the forum.

Part 1: Application & Analysis

  1. Homemade Agar

• YouTube Video
o https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MYmUJ1MSlZg
• Directions
o https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MYmUJ1MSlZg&t=134s

  1. Yeast Fermentation

• YouTube Video / Directions
o https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cngt2HmJuSo&t=27s
o https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qoxY0z8ukUQ&t=19s

  1. Homemade Microscope

• YouTube Video
o https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UOHxNbxm-m4
• Directions
o https://www.instructables.com/DIY-Microscope-Using-Smartphone/

  1. Handwashing Lab

• YouTube Video
o https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FH_Y7RTf53A
• Directions
o https://www.myfearlesskitchen.com/is-hand-washing-important/

  1. How to See Germs Spread Experiment-Importance of Social Distancing and Handwashing
    • YouTube Video
    o https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5-dI74zxPg
    • Directions
    o https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nEGZjc8qU14
    o https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-O279tiR3s

Rubric: Part 1
Category 4 3 2 1/0
Introduction The purpose of the lab or the question to be answered during the lab is clearly identified and stated. The purpose of the lab or the question to be answered during the lab is identified, but is stated in a somewhat unclear manner. The purpose of the lab or the question to be answered during the lab is partially identified, and is stated in a somewhat unclear manner. The purpose of the lab or the question to be answered during the lab is erroneous or irrelevant.
Results Clear, accurate pictures are included and make the experiment easier to understand. Pictures are labeled neatly and accurately. Pictures are included and are labeled neatly and accurately. Pictures are included and are labeled. Needed pictures are missing OR are missing important labels.
Analysis Definite insights into the concepts discussed in class are connected to the learning activity.

The relationship between the variables is discussed and trends/patterns logically analyzed.

Predictions are made about what might happen if part of the experiment were changed or how the experimental design could be changed Some insight into connecting concepts discussed in class to the learning activity.

The relationship between the variables is discussed briefly and trends/patterns analyzed.

Briefly states what might happen if part of the experiment were changed Little insight into connecting concepts discussed in class to the learning activity.

The relationship between the variables is discussed

No patterns, trends or predictions are made based on the data. No insight into connecting concepts discussed in class to the learning activity.

The relationship between the variables is not discussed.

No patterns, trends or predictions are made based on the data.
Organization Reflection is typed and uses headings and subheadings to visually organize the material. Reflection is neatly handwritten and uses headings and subheadings to visually organize the material. Reflection is neatly written or typed, but formatting does not help visually organize the material. Reflection is handwritten and looks sloppy with cross-outs, multiple erasures and/or tears and creases.
Reflection A thoughtful and meaningful reflection on the learning experience is presented and it relates to concepts learned in class, that also provides insight using concepts learned in class A reflection on the learning experience is presented but gives little relation to concepts presented in the class and/or provides little insight on concepts learned in class A reflection on the learning experience is presented no relation to class content and or
little insight on concepts learned in class No reflection on the learning experience is presented and shared

Part 2: Knowledge and Reflection

Choose one of the following learning activities to fulfill Part 2 requirements. Use rubric Part 2 to guide you in your written reflection

  1. Podcast
    Listen to an episode from one of the following podcasts (Choose 1)
    • This Week in Microbiology – https://asm.org/Podcasts/TWiM
    • Microbe Talk – https://microbiologysociety.org/news-press/podcast-microbe-talk.html
    • Meet the Microbiologist – https://asm.org/Podcasts/MTM
  2. Documentary
    Watch one of the following documentaries (Chose 1)
    • NOVA What’s Living Inside You?- https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/video/nova-wonders-whats-living-in-you/
    • PBS Hunting the Nightmare Bacteria- https://www.pbs.org/video/hunting-nightmare-bacteria-update-nqil1d/

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