Air Cargo Organizations and Security in Air Cargo

In this activity, you are tasked to identify best practices in air cargo management in one of the following areas:
Security regulation implementation
Air cargo screening
Security plans and programs
Security vulnerability assessments
Airport security
Unauthorized personnel access
Third-party outsourcing
Intermodal security
Write and submit a two to three-page paper on the best practice you identified. Address the outlined
components in your report. Please number and state each question/statement, and give each answer its own
separate paragraph(s).
Describe security best practice
Best practice
Describe the regulation requirement and company or organization that developed the best practice. Describe
the advantages or disadvantages associated with this best practice and how the best practice was
Do you agree or disagree with the best practice? Can the best practice be implemented in all areas of the air
cargo environment? Describe the results if the best practice was not implemented.
Conclusion and recommendations

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