Regionalism Globalization

• geography and history: main parts of the country, major historical milestones, map
• society: demographics, languages, religions, culture, arts, customs, etc.
• • politics: political regime and leaders, legal system, political parties or tendencies, infra-national organization
and supra-national affiliations
• economy: economic system, level of development, infrastructure, key data on primary, secondary, tertiary and
public sectors, labor force, foreign trade, ease of doing business, investment opportunities, etc.
• Additional information on other items of relevance may be provided (such as a calendar of holidays, a list of
famous people from the country or even a “fun facts” section).
In each section, only the most relevant information should be provided, in the most succinct way possible,
always keeping in mind the type of reader your profile is designed for. For example:
• historical information should be summarized as far as it is useful to interpret the present (e.g., the current
political fragmentation in Belgium can be linked to historical linguistic tensions)
• sub-national data will give substance and perspective to aggregate national data but should not drown
readers in details that are irrelevant to their decision-making (imagine the reader is choosing whether to invest,
not selecting the precise area where to invest)

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