Building Billion-Dollar Franchises

Go to your eBook (pp. 499-502) and select Case 9: Disney: Building Billion-Dollar Franchises. For this discussion you will read and then answer ONE the following four questions for the case by Friday at 11:59 PM MST. Your discussion post (ONE) should not exceed 200 words.

The initial post is worth 25 points. The two replies are worth 5 points each. Total points possible for the case is 35 points total.


What type of corporate strategy is Disney pursuing? Which core competencies are shared across its activities and how?
Why do you think Disney acquisitions of Pixar, Marvel, and Lucasfilm were so successful, while others such as Sony’s acquisition of Columbia Pictures or News Corp’s acquisition of MySpace were much less successful?
Given the build-borrow-or-buy framework, do you think Disney should pursue alternatives to acquisitions? Why or why not? Explain.
Do you think focusing on billion-dollar franchises is a good corporate strategy for Disney? What are pros and cons of this strategy?

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