“The A&P,” by John Updike

Read “The A&P,” by John Updike and “Where are you going, Where have you been?” by Joyce Carol Oates. This is a formal academic paper to be written in MLA format (Please see the Purdue Owl cite if you
need; it’s online). Please read the directions/instructions thoroughly. Proofread your paper before you hand it in. As I said on the responses, when you turn your final draft in, please send in Word to my email; it is easier for you, and I can grade it faster to return. It is said the “A&P” theme or moral lesson John Updike is trying to express in the story is that we must be ready to face the music and accept consequences as a result of each
and every decision/choice we make as individuals. The optimistic reader may feel that a sensitive “hero” has been freed from a dead end job and a restrictive moral code, but a more realistic response will also recognize
that Sammy’s act has left him in a kind of l imbo: how he belongs neither to the world of Lengel and his parents (because he quits the job they got for him they hoped he would keep) nor the world the girls represent and to
which, through his romantic gesture, he aspires. “The A&P” is primarily a story of initiation, as a young boy moves from innocence (and ignorance) to experience (and knowledge). Sammy has gained some knowledge
both of himself and of adulthood, but he also discovered “how hard the world was going to be” to those who cling to their romantic notions about life. Lacking as yet the maturity to accept compromise or t o live with the
world’s injustices, this noble and still uncorrupt youth has acted rashly and lost everything, except perhaps himself. This story can address a number of universal themes-one is i ndividuality and free will. Assignment:
With this information choose one of the topics and write a well-developed exposition essay accordingly. An
exposition essay is a type of paper where you choose a topic, investigates it by evaluating the evidence and
expound it to inform readers about it. To help you this is what you need to do: Teach the readers about the
topic; Describe and explain facts on the topic to inform readers; Provide information on the topic; Write it in 3rd
person, with a formal language and in a precise, logical manner—give insight on the topic—inform and explain.
Remember it i s not an argument, just tell about the issue and share the facts and evidence about it. Important:
write a well- developed essay; I did not give a word count, no need to ask. You are only choosing one of the
topics below. 1.What usually happens to an individual who stands up for something or someone he/she believes in or when people try to do “their own thing” rather than doing what society expects them to do?
Write a well- developed essay using examples and/or illustrations explaining your answers. 2.Jack Kerouac quotes many things that make individuals think; As a matter of fact, some of hissayings can be applicable to
Sammy’s situation and/or for others. Choose one of his quotes and write a well-developed exposition essay:
“I was surprised as always, by how easy the act of leaving was, and how good it felt. The world was suddenly,
rich with possibilities.” “Hell! I am glad I did it. It’s going to be a change. I call this life.”“Better to sleep in an
uncomfortable bed free, than sleep in a comfortable bed unfree.”“Great things are not accomplished by those
who yield to trends and fads and popular opinion.”3.From the outset of the short story “Where Are You Going,
Where Have You Been,” musicsymbolizes Connie’s inner life, specifically the pleasure she takes in romantic
relationships and romanticideals themselves. Connie mistakes music as a sacred force of protection and even
a guideline of livingbecause it gives her pleasure, failing to realize that it is actually a force of self-destruction.
Joyce CarolOates uses music to transition between Connie’s two lives: the dull one that she lives with her
family,and the exciting public one she lives with her friends. Music is not just Connie’s bridge, but it is a lot
ofindividuals bridge from the real world to the fantasy world. Connie’s ideas about love seem derived frompop
songs. Listening and Vibing to music oftentimes allow some to escape reality; some people feel theygain an
understanding of the world through music and pop culture. Choose one of the topics below:a.What kind of
music do you find most appealing? Why? How does this music represent youand your peers? Explain in a welldeveloped essay.b. Connie believes that life and love will be “the way it was in movies and promised in
songs.”Do and/or can individuals get so engulfed and intoxicated with music (songs, lyrics) they try to live out
the message? Explain in a well-developed essay.4.Connie is characterized as a vain, self-centered teenager,
noting her habit of checking for herreflection in mirrors (sounds like cell-phones and selfies). Her world is
superficial, narcissistic, and shewaste her time mulling over “trashy” daydreams in her head. Yet Oates
recognizes and emphasizes withConnie’s excitement over her increasing freedom and entry into adulthood.
Her seemingly duplicitousbehavior is the result of growing pains: a young girl’s attempts to adjust to cultural
expectations ofwomanhood. Her sins, those of vanity and perhaps, ignorance, are those of just about every
teenager inthe country. For these sins, if they can be called sins at all, Connie pays a tremendous and
horrifyingprice. This story was published in 1966. There is history why Joyce Carol Oates wrote this story. We
arein the 21st century, does this still happen? If so, why and explain in a well-developed essay.

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