Gaps in Literature

Write a one page paper on the identification of the literature gap on information communication technology based on age and gender. A literature gap, or research gap, is an unexplored topic revealed during
a literature search that has scope for research or further exploration. To identify literature gaps, you need to do
a thorough review of existing literature in both the broad and specific areas of your topic. Problem Statement: It
is not known if to what extent there is a difference in the perception on information communication technology use, age, gender, and Church position title among parishioners’ Christian faith. Despite the use of technology for fellowship and other faith activities, it is necessary to understand the existence and perception of technology, its relatedness to individual needs, and whether it is used for growth. A gap in the literature exists that it is not known to what extent information communication technology is used in the Church based on gender, age, and church title (Sims et al., 2017; Silverstein

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